Trosa/Tågarp 23d November 2022; it is now clear that trials of WellAgris’ organic research- based fertilizer will continue in 2023. Farmers are looking for alternatives to existing organic fertilizer products. Partly to increase efficiency, and partly to reduce the amount of fertilizer added to the soil per kilogram of nitrogen. During the current year, several farmers have tested WellAgri’s research-based organic fertilizer, which is approved for EU organic and KRAV-certified production. Significant experiences have been made.
“Several of those who participated under different conditions in our long country wish to participate in the tests in the coming year as well. We feel that we are moving forward and feel that they have confidence in us. We also welcome new participants, because all experiences are important when testing a unique product and trying out the handling”, said Lars Erik Skjutare, CEO and founder of WellAgri.
On the organic podium
On the demo field at Slätte Ekodag in 2022, WellAgri shared third place when nine different organic fertilizer products were tested. WellAgri’s research-based products gave a better straw strength, 85-90 percent compared to 50-70 percent for slaughter waste when the Housekeeping Society in Skåne compared slaughter waste with WellAgri’s products in an experiment.
In November, some of the farmers who tested WellAgri’s products on their own fields during the season gathered at Västergård in Tågarp, for a joint discussion with experts and users. Georg Carlsson, Professor SLU Alnarp, described in a speech the possibilities of organic fertilizers and how nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be used in organic agriculture.
“It is partly about being more environmentally friendly, and partly about getting the greatest possible amount of nitrogen to the crops to ensure the harvest”, said Georg Carlsson.” Artificial fertilizers have enabled large yield increases, but today we need several good alternatives to artificial fertilizers to reach the production and climate goals, without creating an imbalance with eutrophication of lakes and waterways.”
Maximum nitrogen for the crops
Both artificial fertilizers and organic fertilizers in the form of slaughter waste, require large quantities. 1 ton of fertilizer creates 270 kg of nitrogen. 1 ton of slaughter waste provides 80 kg of nitrogen. WellAgri’s microbes absorb nitrogen that is bound in the air and convert it into nitrogen that the crop can absorb. In this way, the crop takes up 95-100 percent of the amount of nitrogen supplied. In WellAgri’s case, approximately 165 kg is therefore sufficient to achieve 80 kg of nitrogen. At the same time, it causes no CO2 emissions and does not require large amounts of energy to be produced.
Current research in the USA has for the first time succeeded in describing the mechanism when bacteria fix the nitrogen in the air. A deeper understanding will help researchers tailor the bacteria’s ability to produce nitrogen that crops can use, such as nitrate and ammonium.
Nordic challenge
Those who have tried it testify that WellAgri’s organic fertilizers are easy to handle, partly because the products come in granules (or liquid), and partly because of the small amounts, which means a lot. A particular challenge is that the bacteria are sensitive to cold. At the beginning of November, the Swedish Agency for Agriculture presented this year’s harvest statistics, which were very good, but to some extent hampered by unusually severe cold. WellAgri is working on developing the bacteria so that they can withstand the cold better. Another option is to mix different types of organic fertilizer.
“We want to be involved in the development of the product and how it is used”, says Lars Erik Skjutare. “The early spring sowing can be done with a fast-acting organic fertilizer. The second sowing, four to six weeks later, can be done with our effective research-based fertilizer that gives the crops additional nitrogen when the spring heat has arrived, says Lars Erik Skjutare. It will be exciting to see which effective solutions we find together in 2023.”
The two WellAgri products at the center are SoilMax with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhiza, which settles on the crop’s roots and works in symbiosis with the roots, which enhances the plant’s ability to absorb the nutrients already in the soil. The other important product for creating nitrogen is GreenMax which contains nitrogen and micronutrients. SoilMax and GreenMax complement each other, and both are needed to achieve the nitrogen requirement.
For more information in English: Lars Erik Skjutare, CEO and Founder, WellAgri E:
T: +46 70 555 79 75
WellAgrisTM products are the result of several years of pioneering research with the goal of developing a new type of fertilizer products 100% based on natural substances. They contain high-nitrogen vegetable proteins mixed with natural nutrients. WellAgrisTM unique fertilizer products activate the natural minerals in the soil. The fertilizer products add organic matter back to the soil, which makes the soil more fertile and improves the micro-life in the soil. WellAgrisTM fertilizer products provide the crop with all the necessary nutrients for a high yield. The crop absorbs the added plant nutrients to 95- 100%.