Domaine Rabiega, France

WellAgri’s products have been successfully tested by Domaine Rabiega, a vineyard located in southern France. The responsible winemaker, Lars Torstenson, who has worked for many years to develop Rabiega into a leading organic vineyard, decided to trial WellAgri on half of the vineyard during 2022 and 2023. Following the successful results in 2023, Domaine Rabiega […]
Jordbruksaktuellt has highlighted WellAgri in an article.

Despite commencing operations as recently as 2020, WellAgri has already made significant strides in sustainable agricultural technology. The article provides an overview of the company’s history, their vision of natural fertilizers, and their products built on plant-based protein sources and natural substances. This innovative approach has the potential to replace both conventional and organic fertilizers […]